Sunday, October 15, 2006

Evening Worship Ideas?

It's nightime. Evening. Dark, yet lovely. There's a group of you. Waiting to share your experience with God together.

It can be a special time of deep intimacy and soul-searching. Most of my momentous encounters with God have occured after dusk, in the most simplest, symbolic & rich ways.

What are some of the best evening worship ideas that you have ever tried, and would suggest for others? Activities? Prayers? Songs? Music? Food? Sharing? Vibe? Reflections? Symbolism? Sounds? Lighting? Art?

Share your ideas!

Posted by marley @ 1:01 AM



I like it when people think of me as an intellectual so I will list a bunch of intellectual-sounding books here, even those I don't plan to read.


Follow these links to online image & video resources for presentations, PowerPoint stuff, handouts, posters, etc.

Vibe Ideas, Displays & Gifts